Today I beat the Honolulu traffic home (it rivals Boston, although no one gives anyone the horn or the finger or anything, but people are frowning and that's very un-Hawaiian), grabbed an apple and strolled along the sands of Eden (oh get it, Eve with the apple, ba-zing! Heavy handed imagery, check!).
At least I was careful as I crossed the road, today I nearly caused a little old Hawaiian woman to have a heart attack. I was dashing to the post office during lunch (to mail all of you postcards, no less) and there was no one coming, no cars in sight, and so I tried to cross against the light. I was immediately grabbed by a scrawny woman who pointed to the red blinking "do not walk" sign fearfully. I just looked at her dumbfounded. Everyone around me was looking at me too like I'd just devoured a child alive or something. Oh my, that pale child is crossing against the light! So yes, will obey traffic laws to avoid scandal. For now.
And then I found 5 dollars. Just kidding, I really just wanted to post some more pics.