The theme was “Greasy Daze” and suggested attire included anything from the movie, Grease, which wouldn’t you know it, poodle skirts and greaser outfits were not exactly easy to come by on a tropical island. The holiday party was to be held at the Honolulu Hard Rock Café and it was there under the records of the Big Bopper and Elvis that we would perform “Oh Those Late Trial Nights” set to the sweet sweet strains of “Summer Lovin’.”
Over the next two weeks there were numerous clandestine meetings with the other newbies to practice, and well…we were just awful, I mean really terrible. And then the new associate, Blaine joined us (yes newbie attorneys had to do it too), and even though he wouldn’t cop to acapella experience in his college days, he got us all in tune. It was nothing short of a miracle.
As the party drew near I would see strange things around the office, a cut-out milk shake that was as tall as I was, poodle appliqués, old-fashioned coke glasses, bobby socks left on a desk…the excitement was growing and I could tell we were in for something big...
Well the big day was this Friday and to be honest, despite feeling that our singing would be so atrocious that they would cancel the newbie singing tradition forever and probably ask Travis and I to get back on planes and go home…the party rocked.
In no particular order, the highlights: The firm’s paralegals. They made their own satin poodle skirts and Rydell sweaters with matching pom-poms. Then there was my clean cut officemate, Travis, who with the help of a wig, transformed himself into a pretty passable greaser. Finally, mad props to our partners who also good-naturedly (donned jeans and leather jackets (in the case of the men) and skirts and scarves (in the case of the ladies).
Okay, so maybe our table didn’t do quite so hot at 50’s trivia, considering nobody at our table was over the age of 30 and couldn’t tell you whose nickname was “Mr. Television.” (It’s Milton Berle. But I got all the baseball questions right, such as whose first hit as a Giant was a home run? Oh, I’ll just tell you. Say hey Willie Mays, naturally. Boo-yah!) But at least everyone got these great mix CDs made by the firm featuring such fifty faves as “Wake Up Little Susie,” “Mr. Sandman” and “Great Balls of Fire.”
Then came time for our newbie song and proud to say, I think we may even have outdone Travolta and Olivia Newton John, who let’s face it, cracked on the high notes at the end. Not that we did that. And not that anybody called for an encore. But we had dance movies, baby. And heart.
All snark aside for a moment (a true rarity), I was kinda touched by the camaraderie effort everyone in the firm put into the holiday party. Coming from New England, I think we've all felt the cut back on holiday festivities because of the PC effect. No Christmas trees. No menorahs. Nothing. Out here at least one firm has figured out how to still have some fun...albeit in cuffed jeans and tees. Snark Snark Snark.
Anywho, enjoy the pics, and in case you’re wondering, Travis and his brother actually curled his wig to get it that way (not to embarrass Travis further or anything,but the secretaries in our office were actually squealing in delight when they saw him in all his coiffed glory). As always, runner-up photos, not quite blog-worthy, are on facebook.